Register for the 2025 Miles for Mental Health 5K Run & 1-Mile Walk on April 27, 2025! Proceeds support CFR’s Operation Home & Healing program.

Author » Nancy Isserman, MSW, PhD

How To Help a Veteran in Crisis: Veterans Day 2023

November 7, 2023

Veterans Day is November 11. It is a day for honoring veterans for their service to our country. What does honoring Veterans mean? You may even be confused as to how to celebrate Veterans Day. Celebrating and honoring Veterans requires more than saying, “Thank you for your service.” For example, you could celebrate Veterans Day…

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TBI: Meaning, Importance, and Hope

August 9, 2023

The Philadelphia Phillies‘ partnership with Team Foster and Warrior Canine Connection to bring a new service pup to the Phillies for training reminds us of the importance of learning about and addressing treatment for traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Veterans. TBI was the signature war wound of the Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan (OEF) and Operation…

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Supporting the Mental Health of Veterans’ Families

Memorial Day this year is Monday, May 29, 2023. Unlike Veterans Day in November when we honor all who have served, Memorial Day honors all who have died for our country, particularly in battle or from wounds they suffered in battle. So many are impacted by the loss of a loved one who served the United States….

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title: Combatting Rising Antisemitism & Racism this International Holocaust Memorial Day

Combatting Rising Antisemitism & Racism this International Holocaust Memorial Day

January 25, 2023

Commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day January 27, 2023, is International Holocaust Memorial Day, commemorating the 78th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland. The Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp is a stark symbol of a 14-year campaign by the Nazis and their collaborators to murder all the Jews in Europe. The day also commemorates…

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