Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision
For clinical mental health professionals preparing for licensure, CFR’s Postgraduate Certificate Program in Marriage and Family Therapy offers supervision for marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and social workers needing licensed supervisors.

Who Provides Supervision
CFR’s Postgraduate Certificate Program is accredited by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT) and offers supervision by AAMFT-approved supervisors. The program also offers supervision for sex therapists seeking American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) Certification.
Therapists interested in obtaining supervision through the Postgraduate Certificate Program who are not enrolled in the program must have access to clients in a mental health setting other than CFR. Therapists interested in clinical internships at CFR, separate from enrollment in the Postgraduate Certificate Program, should contact Allen-Michael Lewis, Senior Director of Clinical Programs.
Options Include:
- Supervision by LMFT and AAMFT-approved Supervisors available for clinicians seeking MFT Licensure in PA & NJ
- AASECT-certified Supervisors available for clinicians seeking AASECT Clinical Membership
- Other licensed supervisors available for mental health professionals seeking licensure as LCSWs and/or LPCs
Application Process
How Supervision Works
Supervision is held weekly for one or two hours, depending on the number of supervised clinical hours. Supervision can occur at a CFR office location or virtually, as agreed upon by the supervisor and clinician. Supervisors will sign all the documentation covering the supervision period that is required for licensure.
Requests for group supervision will be accommodated whenever possible. If two or more supervisees are available during the time slots indicated and at the requested location, CFR will arrange group supervision. If, however, there are not enough supervisees available, you will be offered the choice of purchasing individual supervision or postponing supervision until the next cycle, when group supervision may be available.
For licensure, 50% of clinical hours must be supervised by a professional with the license sought by the supervisee (LMFT [AAMFT-approved supervisor], LCSW, LPC). For all clinical hours to count towards licensure, one hour/week of supervision is required for every 10 clinical hours/week. To count clinical hours in excess of 10/week, two weekly hours of supervision are required. Please inform us of your desired license, and of the number of clinical hours/week for which you desire supervision, so that we can work with you to assure that you will be able to count all of your clinical hours towards licensure.

Group Supervision (when available) towards licensure: $80 per hour
- Group: $2,080 (1 hour/week for 1 six-month semester)
- Group: $4,160 (2 hours/week for 1 six-month semester)
Individual Supervision towards licensure: $100 per hour
- Individual: $2,600 (1 hour/week for 1 six-month semester)
- Individual: $5,200 (2 hours/week for 1 six-month semester)
Sex Therapy Supervision by an AASECT-certified Sex Therapy Supervisor
- Group: $1,545 (25 hours)
- Individual: $155/hour as scheduled
Looking for further education?
Interested in becoming a Sex Therapist?
Need CE credits?