July 31, 2024, is the deadline to apply for CFR’s Fall 2024 Postgraduate Certificate Program cohort in Marriage & Family Therapy and Clergy track. Apply here.

Category » Michele Southworth

Psychedelics and Trauma Healing in 2023

November 13, 2023

Humans have been using psychedelic drugs since the dawn of human civilization. However, only recently has Western culture and science begun to understand the potential mental health benefits of psychedelics for trauma healing. This is the first of a two-part series on psychedelics and trauma. The discussion will focus on changing how the West thinks…

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The Great Resignation, the Great “Rethink,” and What Happens Next

The last couple of years have been, from a mental health point of view, pretty much of a perfect storm: extremes of polarization and breakdown in our political process and even our understanding of reality, an increasing societal reckoning with racism and misogyny, an increasingly urgent climate crisis, and now, nearly two years of social…

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An Ode to CFR’s Post Graduate Certificate Program

There is a part of my life in which I am very fortunate: I have a job that I love and, even beyond that, a job that feels like a calling. I am the Director of Council for Relationships’ Post Graduate Certificate Program in Marriage and Family Therapy. As is relatively obvious from the name of the program, our training prepares master’s-level students for…

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How I Made a Career Pivot to Being a Couple and Family Therapist

This very complicated time has many of us thinking about what matters most in our lives, and how to be intentional about where we put our energy. I’ve recently had conversations with several people, who share a wish to change their career paths in a variety of ways. These discussions brought me back to memories…

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Saying Goodbye to Game of Thrones: Dealing with Disappointment and Endings

Michele Southworth, JD, LMFT is a senior staff therapist at Council for Relationships University City.  Image Credit: Macall B. Polay/HBO Sunday night, after eight seasons and 73 episodes, we said our goodbyes to the surviving Stark siblings and other survivors of the Battle of Kings Landing, along with what remained of the armies of the…

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New Year’s Resolutions for Children

December 30, 2014

Michele Southworth, JD, LMFT contributed to an article for ALOHA Mind Math about the pros and cons of New Year’s resolutions for children. Ms. Southworth gives guidance for setting resolutions and making it a positive experience for kids. Read the full article here.

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