Register for the 2025 Miles for Mental Health 5K Run & 1-Mile Walk on April 27, 2025! Proceeds support CFR’s Operation Home & Healing program.

Academic Support Services Evaluation (Interns)

  • Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the statements that follow about the Academic Support Services provided by the Post Graduate Certificate Program. Academic support services are provided to support your involvement in the Post Graduate Certificate Program and to contribute to your successful completion of academic tasks and professional goals. Academic services are divided into five categories – please rate each support activity based on your experience in the program.
  • 5-Strongly agree 4-Agree 3-Neutral 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree N/A-not applicable
  • Please rate the following statements in terms of your level of agreement with the statement based on the above scale.
  • I. Information Flow and Availability

  • II. Communication Quality

  • III. Academic and Personal Advisement

  • IV. Financial Services

  • V. Client Care Department Services

  • VI. Academic Resources and Student Support Services.

  • Please provide feedback related to the following questions.