Tuition and Tuition Grant

Tuition and Tuition Grant

Learn more about tuition costs and tuition grant options.

Tuition Costs

Unit Cost
(3) 30 CE Credit Sex Therapy courses $1,650 per course
25 Hours of Group Supervision $1,625
7 CE Credit SAR $285 per SAR
Nonrefundable Tuition Deposit (due from the time of acceptance and credited towards tuition) $500

The approximate total cost of the basic program for one year is $7,140 (three required courses, group supervision, and two SARs).

This cost is subject to change.


Optional Add-Ons

Unit Cost
Up to two 30 CE credit Relationational Therapy courses $1,650 per course
Individual Supervision (not required) $155 per hour (x25) for a total cost of $3,875
Sex Therapy workshops (not required) Cost varies. See CFR’s upcoming Professional Development workshops.

The approximate total cost of the optional add-ons for one year is $7,175 (two additional courses and individual supervision).

The cost is subject to change. The cost will vary if some of the Sex Therapy workshops are substituted for one or both of the Relational Therapy courses.

Tuition Grant

Council for Relationships is a non-profit organization. Our Tuition Grant consists of donor contributions and is given based on need on a first-come-first-serve basis. Council for Relationships is not a Title IV organization. Therefore, tuition is not tax deductible. Please check with your tax advisor for further information.

Note: Priority will be given to clinical/clergy track students and students taking two or more courses per term. 

Explore the program:

Admission Requirements and Application

Lecture Series

Course Descriptions

Tuition and Tuition Grant


Sexual Attitude Reassessment (SAR)