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Category » Parenting

Cover of a publication featuring a time prioritization strategy. The image background shows a tangle of electrical wires and poles in grayscale. Overlaying this is the title 'ONE TWO THREE TIME' in bold, purple block letters. Below the title, in smaller white text, it reads 'A TIME PRIORIZATION STRATEGY FOR ADULTS.' The author's name, 'BY KENT MATTHIES, MFT, MDiv,' is also displayed in white. At the bottom of the image, the 'Council for Relationships' logo is visible, indicating the publisher or associated organization.

One Two Three Time: A Time Prioritization Strategy for Adults

April 22, 2024

In the hustle of modern life, understanding and managing personal time is critical to enhancing well-being. In fact, a recent survey found that when rating on a scale of 1-10, where 10 signifies a great deal of stress, a quarter of all Americans reported their average stress level as between 8 and 10. The concept…

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The image features a promotional graphic with the title "Closing the Gap in North Philly PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES". Below the title, there's a byline "By Sonja Spangler, LSW" indicating the authorship. The image displays the silhouette of a pregnant woman against a backdrop of a night sky filled with stars, symbolizing perhaps hope and contemplation. The silhouette merges into a graphic that appears to represent a city skyline, possibly alluding to the community context of the services discussed. The bottom of the image has the text "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS", likely the organization responsible for the services or the article itself. The overall theme suggests a focus on addressing the needs for mental health support for mothers in North Philadelphia.

Closing the Gap: Perinatal Mental Health Services in North Philadelphia

April 3, 2024

Perinatal mental health services play a crucial role in supporting expecting and new mothers, offering hope and essential care in communities facing significant challenges. This blog explores the transformative impact of these services, detailing the journey of embedding a Council for Relationships (CFR) Therapist within the Stephen Klein Wellness Center in North Philadelphia and the…

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An illustration for a mental health nonprofit featuring a stylized, circular composition with a silhouette of a contemplative pregnant figure at its center. Soft waves and plant motifs in a palette of greyscale, purples, pale blues, and light greens create a serene background. The title "Ambivalence During Pregnancy: Navigating the Unspoken" is placed prominently at the bottom with the author's name "Sonja Spangler, LSW" just below it. The organization's name "Council for Relationships" is subtly placed at the top. The overall design conveys a sense of calm and introspection.

Ambivalence During Pregnancy: Navigating the Unspoken

March 27, 2024

Pregnancy is often portrayed as a time of joy and anticipation, but for many, it’s a period marked by complex emotions. Ambivalence during pregnancy, a state of having mixed feelings about the impending arrival of one’s baby, is a common yet seldom discussed phenomenon. This silence fosters a sense of isolation, shame, and fear, leading…

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Artistic cover image for a blog titled 'Identity Shift in Motherhood – Navigating New Challenges & Rediscovering Yourself', by Sonja Spangler, LSW. The illustration features a woman's profile made of swirling, leafy patterns in a harmonious blend of purple and green hues, symbolizing growth and transformation. Butterflies and soft, floating elements signify change and rebirth. The bottom of the image includes the 'Council for Relationships' logo, emphasizing the theme of personal development within motherhood.

Identity Shift in Motherhood: Navigating New Challenges & Rediscovering Yourself

March 19, 2024

Embarking on the journey of motherhood introduces a profound “identity shift in motherhood” that many are unprepared for. This transformative phase brings various challenges, from the loss of personal identity to the struggle to find joy amidst the chaos of parenting. This blog delves into the heart of these experiences, offering insights and practical advice…

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An illustration for a blog post titled "NAVIGATING SELF-CARE IN THE AGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA". The image shows a grayscale room filled with plants, books, candles, and cozy furniture, with a person sitting cross-legged in meditation pose facing a window that reveals a colorful outdoor scene. At the bottom, the text reads "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS" and "By Bianca Williams, MFT".

Navigating Self-Care in the Age of Social Media

March 13, 2024

This blog delves into the evolution of social networks, the challenges and opportunities they present, and practical strategies for fostering self-care and compassion in our digital interactions. It aims to offer insights into maintaining a healthy equilibrium between our digital personas and real-life selves, emphasizing the significance of authentic connections. We invite you to continue…

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Cover image for a resource on 'Signs of Teen Dating Violence,' featuring a white handprint on a purple background, symbolizing a call to awareness. Below the handprint, the title reads in bold, 'SIGNS OF TEEN DATING VIOLENCE' by Danielle Silverman, LCSW, MEd, for the Council for Relationships. The color scheme and imagery convey a serious and informative tone appropriate for the topic.

Signs of Teen Dating Violence

February 12, 2024

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month when we focus on recognizing and understanding signs of teen dating violence. Teen dating abuse is a massive problem. It can manifest in different ways, like hurting someone emotionally or physically, controlling them, or harassing them online. Friends and family are pivotal in identifying warning signs, offering support,…

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Guilt-Free Holidays: A Parents’ Guide to the Holiday Season

December 19, 2023

Parenting during the holiday season is not easy. Stress, guilt, and fear can arise from various sources during this time. But do not fret, parents! Guilt-free holidays are within your grasp. Lia Pezzato is a therapist who specializes in helping marriages and families. She has a plan to help you manage guilt and stress during…

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3 Alarming Takeaways for Parents of Teens in Age Discrepant Relationships

September 22, 2023

Age-discrepant relationships are relationships where partners have a sizeable gap between the ages of those in the relationship. While there is no hard and fast number to define what is considered “sizeable,” when it comes to relationships between teenagers and adults, laws define the age of consent. Mainstream pop stars like Demi Lovato are driving…

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Caring for an Aging Parent: 3 Tips to Keep You from Losing Yourself

July 20, 2023

Caring for an aging parent can feel daunting, frustrating, isolating, and sad. But it does not have to be this way. Read on to the learn more about the following tips to help keep you from losing yourself as you care for your parent.  Tip #1:  Take it slow. Caring for an elderly parent is…

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Co-Parenting Tips for Setting Hurt & Anger Aside

May 10, 2023

Nearly half of all American children will see their parents get divorced and 16% of American children will live in a household with a step-parent, step-sibling, or half-sibling. With 50% of children having divorced parents, co-parenting is more commonplace than ever in the United States. Co-parenting is defined as sharing the duties of raising a…

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New Parents, Social Media & Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

From over-the-top pregnancy reveals to momfluencers with hundreds of thousands of followers, social media might lead new parents to believe pregnancy is relatively easy. It is not. Pregnancy is complicated. The pregnancy reality for new parents is often more complicated than social media wants you to believe. At best, pregnancy is a joyful time for…

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Benefits of Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Groups

While becoming a new mother is rewarding, the journey is riddled with constant change, uncertainty, feelings of doubt, fear, and isolation. New mothers often fear voicing their needs or reaching out for help because they fear burdening those around them. New mothers also wrestle with feelings of guilt and shame for feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed,…

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Graphic with a puzzle piece theme, featuring the text 'Help for Young Adults with Autism' in bold black and white fonts on a purple and light blue background. The author, Margot Stein, LMFT, is credited at the bottom, and the Council for Relationships logo appears in the bottom-right corner.

Help for Young Adults with Autism

February 18, 2021

Navigating young adulthood can be challenging for anyone, but for individuals with autism, the transition comes with unique obstacles. Understanding how to help young adults with autism can make a profound difference in their ability to build meaningful relationships, succeed in school or work, and maintain their emotional well-being. Whether you’re a family member, caregiver,…

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