July 31, 2024, is the deadline to apply for CFR’s Fall 2024 Postgraduate Certificate Program cohort in Marriage & Family Therapy and Clergy track. Apply here.

Category » Religion and Spirituality

Daily Examen: Benefits, Examples & History

A December 2023 report by the Pew Research Center found that 70% of U.S. adults identify as spiritual in some way, with 22% being spiritual but not religious. For those who see themselves as spiritual, this part of their identity can affect how they deal with challenges, make decisions, maintain relationships, find satisfaction, and develop…

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An artistic blog feature image in grayscale with an abstract design representing growth. A stylized plant with broad leaves sprouts from a central path that meanders toward the viewer, bordered by swirling, smoke-like patterns. At the top, "SEED OF CHANGE" is written in large, bold letters, with the subtitle "Pathways to Personal and Spiritual Growth" just below in a smaller font. The author's name, "Rev. Dr. Dolores Littleton, LMFT," is positioned at the bottom, and the text "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS" appears in the lower corner, suggesting a sponsoring organization. The monochrome palette gives the image a serene and contemplative mood.

Seed of Change: Pathways to Personal and Spiritual Growth

Embarking on a transformation journey begins with the “Seed of Change.” This blog explores how embracing shifts in our lives, inspired by faith and Jesus’ teachings, can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth, guiding us through darkness into the light of new beginnings. The Seed of Change: Understanding Personal Growth When I was a…

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International Day of Tolerance 2023

November 15, 2023

In 1996, the United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate International Day of Tolerance on November 16 every year. Nowadays, tolerance appears to be lacking. Acceptance of diversity is a crucial element of positive mental health. We should always strive for diversity acceptance and a more tolerant world, regardless of the International Day of Tolerance….

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Psychedelics and Trauma Healing in 2023

November 13, 2023

Humans have been using psychedelic drugs since the dawn of human civilization. However, only recently has Western culture and science begun to understand the potential mental health benefits of psychedelics for trauma healing. This is the first of a two-part series on psychedelics and trauma. The discussion will focus on changing how the West thinks…

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Am I a Unicorn? A Therapist & Child of Holocaust Survivors On the Israel-Hamas War

On October 7, 2023, Hamas carried out a coordinated terrorist attack on innocent Israeli citizens and even took hostages. In response, Israel declared war on Hamas, and The Israel Defense Force vowed to “destroy Hamas.” Like everyone else, CFR Clinicians were horrified by Hamas’s brutality and have been processing the recent events like most people….

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Are you building the life you want as 2023 transitions into 2024?

This is a time of year perfect for reflection and optimism. As we begin the period of time when we hand off one year to the next, take a moment to consider your own mental health. How are you doing? Are you taking care of you? In this blog, CFR Staff Therapist L. Stewart Barbera…

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Christian crucifix wrapped in a purple cloth,

Lent and Mental Health

Lent is a springtime season in the Christian Church that begins a 40-day discipline of prayer, fasting, and contemplation. Lent also forces us to grapple with our own mortality. This can be triggering for many, but, with meditation and reflection, Lent can be a wonderful season for our mental health. Read on to learn more…

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Help! I’m a Clergy Person and I’m Feeling Ill-Equipped to Handle the Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental Demands of Serving the Congregation in 2022

Can I hear an AMEN!     If you have served as a priest, pastor, rabbi, or other member of the clergy in these past two years, you have been on a real learning curve, needing to figure out, probably mostly on your own, how to deal with issues surrounding the pandemic, racial equity, climate crisis,…

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