July 31, 2024, is the deadline to apply for CFR’s Fall 2024 Postgraduate Certificate Program cohort in Marriage & Family Therapy and Clergy track. Apply here.

Category » Margot Stein

A girl wearing a mask for Purim.

Purim and Mental Health: What the Holiday Can Teach Us about Ourselves

March 6, 2023

What can the Jewish holiday of Purim teach us about our own mental health? For one, it reminds us of the importance to unmask our true selves. Read on to learn more about Purim and mental health. A Jewish Masquerade Ball Purim is like a Jewish masquerade ball. Commemorating the Persian Jewish Queen Esther and…

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Help for Young Adults with Autism and Their Families

February 18, 2021

Having been around autistic young people since my youngest son was born with the disorder nearly 20 years ago, I recently began conducting small social groups for young men with autism. Our goals are simple: to provide a safe space for young adults with social emotional deficits to gather weekly with each other, practice listening…

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Featured Therapist for February, Margot Stein

February 4, 2021

Every month, Council for Relationships features one of our staff therapists. This month’s Featured Therapist is Margot Stein, MFT. Learn more about her in the below interview! What makes you unique as a therapist and person; what drew you to counseling as a career?  I came to Council for Relationships’ Post Graduate Certificate Program in Marriage and…

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Staff Therapist Margot Stein’s Online Support Group Featured on Patch.com: Support for Parents of Special Needs Teens

January 13, 2021

Does your teen have atypical needs that require more effective parenting strategies? Has pandemic life made discipline more challenging? Join us for a confidential monthly conversation exploring teen issues including household rules, internet use, socialization skills, sibling rivalry, and more. Under the guidance of family therapist Margot Stein, MFT, we will share our challenges and…

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