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Mental Health Management Tips for 2023

Sign stating self care isn't selfish as tip for mental health managementIt doesn’t have to be New Year, Same You.

When it comes to resolutions, we tend to think about physical health; the exterior and external world reign (like quitting smoking, losing weight, getting in shape, or saving more money). While these are all really great goals, we need to start making mental health resolutions to aid our emotional wellness 365 days a year. Read on for 5 mental health management tips to take to heart in 2023.

Many people feel motivated and ready to change as soon as the ball drops on January 1st and then things gradually fizzle out by the end of Black History Month. As a Licensed Psychotherapist, my invitation is that all of us use this same, if not greater, momentum to think about taking care of our mental health.

Mental health is total health, and emotional wellness is a worthwhile goal to concentrate on every day because it impacts every dimension of our lives. Mental health impacts: emotional, occupational, environmental, financial, intellectual, social, and spiritual dimensions of our lives. Our brains are like muscles. If the brain isn’t functioning at max capacity, the rest of us is not going to work that well either. I often lovingly joke with my patients and say, “Patient, know thyself and be real with thyself!” So managing your mental health is imperative to total health in 2023.

Here are 5 tips to help you mind your mental health and manage this year’s goals and aspirations through and through.

Our first mental health management tip is to acknowledge your feelings

If you find yourself feeling sad, anxious or down, reach out to your trusted loved ones and friends for support. It’s okay to pause, take a step back, cry, and whatever you do, don’t pressure yourself into pretending to be happy all the time. Let this be the year to let go of any toxic positivity and instead, bear witness to the wide array of emotions. Emotions are neither good nor bad, they just are. Oftentimes our feelings are trying to get our attention for a reason.

Learning to say “No” is critical for managing your mental health in 2023

This one can be said louder for the people in the back! When we say “yes” instead of saying “no” it leaves us feeling overwhelmed and resentful. You can’t be everything to everybody. Giving into things or being agreeable 100% of the time does a tremendous disservice and can lead to compassion fatigue and burnout. This is definitely not the best way to manage your mental health this year. Your presence is a present. Choose wisely as to who has access to your time and energy.

Manage your mental health expectations

There is power in managing your mental health expectations and being real with ourselves in terms of how much we can handle this new year. Remember that perfectionism does not exist. In 2023, it is okay to let “good enough be good enough.” When setting your mental health resolutions, remember that less is more. Every mental health management goal we take on needs to be specific, realistic, and measurable, and then take baby steps to implement change.

It’s okay to take a break

Please don’t forget about your own needs. Relaxation is key! Take naps if you have to, go for a walk, unplug from social media, and when necessary, look for ways to alleviate physical tension and emotional stress.

Is your goal even relevant to you?

Ask yourself if the goal you are setting for yourself is truly something you feel internally motivated to do. Is this something you want to accomplish for the betterment and enrichment of your world, or something that you saw on social media? Pausing and revisiting your “why” can be a gamechanger.

Lastly, remember that lasting change requires focus, commitment, accountability, and a great deal of time. Leave room for error and setbacks, get back on the saddle and recommit, recommit, recommit.

I also encourage you to build in one small act of kindness toward yourself each day. One mantra or loving gesture will have your cup of self-compassion overflowing by next December. Adhering to these suggestions can make working toward any goal more enjoyable.

About the Author

Staff Therapist and Blog Author Chimere G. Holmes

CFR Staff Therapist Chimère G. Holmes, MA, MSEd, LPC (pictured here) sees therapy clients virtually.

Chimère G. Holmes, MA, MSEd, LPC, is a CFR Staff Therapist and is accepting new patients. If you are looking for mental health management help, click here to book an appointment.

You may reach Chimère at cholmes@councilforrelationships.org or 215-315-7551 ext. 7064.

See our Therapist & Psychiatrist Directory to find a different CFR therapist or psychiatrist near you.



For more information and tips on mental health management in 2023, check out the following CFR articles.

2023 New Year’s Resolutions