Hi there! I’m Hannah, a systemically trained therapist passionate about helping people find meaning, alignment, and contentment in their lives. I understand that the issues you bring into therapy are as unique as you are, so I’ll tailor my treatment to fit your needs. Maybe you need some non-judgmental accountability as you finally face the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings you’ve been avoiding only to find yourself deeper in a rut. Maybe you’re ready to let go of the story others have told about you based on what you’ve done or where you’ve been, and it’s time to start telling a new one that’s based on your own value system. And maybe you’re not even sure what those values are, so we start there, on an adventure in self-exploration. Wherever you are, I’m happy to meet you as a collaborator in creating the changes that you seek.
I work with individuals, couples, and families of all ages and backgrounds. As a systemic therapist, I’ll take a particular interest in the health of your relationships and communities, as well as the ways your experience is impacted by the identities you hold. Together we will also take a look at your history of attachments to others, and how they may be showing up today.
Clinically, I am passionate about helping adolescents feel understood, helping young adults build a solid sense of self, and helping individuals and couples find meaning through life transitions. I also am a longtime meditator and enjoy using mindfulness in my work and my personal life. More personally, I am passionate about cooking, crocheting, film, books, and pilates!
In working with me, you can expect a genuine connection that is based on warmth, empathy, and humor. You will also be challenged as appropriate, as long as I have earned your trust to do so. Lastly, I enjoy using mindfulness in my work because I believe life is richer when you’re getting more out of the present moment.
Please feel free to reach out if you would like to set up an appointment with me! I am also happy to talk more with you about my approach.
Fee: $$
Hannah encourages people considering therapy to discuss fees if there are any questions about this range. More information about fees can be found here. Hannah is a pre-licensed marriage and family therapist working under the supervision of a licensed clinician.