July 31, 2024, is the deadline to apply for CFR’s Fall 2024 Postgraduate Certificate Program cohort in Marriage & Family Therapy and Clergy track. Apply here.

Category » General

A smiling woman with braided hair and glasses is pictured in the center. The background is a light green outdoor setting. Above her photo, the text reads: "Featured Therapist" in bold purple font. Below the photo, the text reads: "Bianca Williams" in large purple font, followed by "Marriage & Family Therapist Philadelphia - University City" in smaller white font. In the bottom right corner, the "Council for Relationships" logo is displayed. The background of the image is teal.

Bianca Williams, MFT: Featured Philadelphia Therapist

July 11, 2024

Welcome to Council for Relationships (CFR)’s monthly Featured Clinician blog, highlighting the dedicated professionals who provide exceptional therapy and psychiatry services to the Philadelphia region. This month, we are pleased to introduce Bianca Williams, MFT, a staff therapist in Philadelphia. Bianca brings a wealth of personal and professional experience to her practice. Let’s explore Bianca’s…

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Daily Examen: Benefits, Examples & History

A December 2023 report by the Pew Research Center found that 70% of U.S. adults identify as spiritual in some way, with 22% being spiritual but not religious. For those who see themselves as spiritual, this part of their identity can affect how they deal with challenges, make decisions, maintain relationships, find satisfaction, and develop…

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Image of a purple and pink butterfly with the text 'EMDR Therapy for PTSD: What You Need to Know' overlaid. Below the title, it reads 'By Amy Jones, MSW, MFT, LCSW' and 'Council for Relationships.' The butterfly and text are set against a dark purple background.

EMDR Therapy for PTSD: What You Need to Know

Amy Jones, a therapist at the Council for Relationships, first trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) in 2021. She quickly fell in love with EMDR therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to its effectiveness in shifting traumatic memories for both herself and her clients. This blog outlines the signs of PTSD…

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PTSD Awareness Day 2024 image with a person sitting outdoors, looking thoughtful. Text reads 'Emerging Conceptualizations of Trauma' by Andy Phạm, MFT, Council for Relationships.

PTSD Awareness & Emerging Ideas on Trauma

June 26, 2024

As we mark the 15th Annual PTSD Awareness Day, it’s essential to reflect on the evolving understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its impact on diverse communities. In this insightful blog, CFR Staff Therapist Andy Phạm, MFT, delves into the emerging ideas of trauma and the significance of precision in PTSD diagnosis. With a…

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A collage of black-and-white photos featuring notable Black figures in mental health and space exploration, with the central text reading "Celebrating Juneteenth with Racial Equity in Therapy" by Kimberly Mann, SHRM-SCP. The Council for Relationships logo is also included.

Celebrating Juneteenth with Racial Equity in Therapy

June 18, 2024

This blog post, authored by Kimberly Mann, CFR’s DEIB Manager, highlights the significance of Juneteenth and the crucial need for racial equity in therapy. Juneteenth, now a national holiday, commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans and serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for racial justice. The Importance of Juneteenth in Promoting Racial…

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Black and white image of the Golden Gate Bridge enveloped in fog, with the text 'Social Connection & Shame: Navigating Emotional Challenges. Blog by Sonja Spanger, LSW' in blue and green lettering. The Council for Relationships logo is at the bottom right corner.

Social Connection & Shame: Navigating Emotional Challenges

June 11, 2024

I once heard humans described as “exquisitely social” creatures. We have a remarkable ability to pay close attention to the people around us. While engaging in conversation, another part of our brain manages how others see us, ensuring we are acceptable in their eyes. Social connection plays a crucial role in this dynamic. The Role…

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Children's Mental Health" infographic by Council for Relationships. The design features the title "CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH" in bold, purple letters, with the subtitle "WHY EARLY INTERVENTION MATTERS" in black at the bottom. At the top, the Council for Relationships logo is prominently displayed. Below the title, there is a black-and-white image of three young children sitting together, with two teal star shapes flanking the image. The infographic is credited to Meghan Rydzewski, MFT, noted in a text box just above the subtitle. The background is white, creating a clean and professional look.

Children’s Mental Health: Why Early Intervention Matters

May 29, 2024

Understanding children’s mental health is crucial for early intervention. This blog highlights the importance of child therapy, signs of mental health issues, and how to support a child. Promoting mental health awareness for children and informed parenting and child mental health can make a significant difference in their well-being. Why Early Intervention Matters Mental health…

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The image features a photo of a woman with long, blonde hair, smiling and dressed in professional attire. The background of the image is teal, and above the photo, there is a heading in bold purple text that reads "Featured Therapist." Below the photo, the name "Meghan Rydzewski" is displayed in large purple text. Underneath her name, in smaller white text, it says "Marriage & Family Therapist Philly & New Jersey." At the bottom right corner, there is a logo for the Council for Relationships, accompanied by a heart icon featuring a rainbow pride flag design.

Featured Therapist in Philadelphia: Meghan Rydzewski, MFT at Council for Relationships

May 21, 2024

Welcome to Council for Relationships (CFR) ‘s monthly Featured Clinician blog, highlighting the dedicated professionals who provide exceptional therapy and psychiatry services to the Philadelphia region. This month, we are pleased to introduce Meghan Rydzewski, MFT, a staff therapist in Philadelphia and Voorhees, New Jersey. Meghan brings a wealth of personal and professional experience to…

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Cover of a publication featuring a time prioritization strategy. The image background shows a tangle of electrical wires and poles in grayscale. Overlaying this is the title 'ONE TWO THREE TIME' in bold, purple block letters. Below the title, in smaller white text, it reads 'A TIME PRIORIZATION STRATEGY FOR ADULTS.' The author's name, 'BY KENT MATTHIES, MFT, MDiv,' is also displayed in white. At the bottom of the image, the 'Council for Relationships' logo is visible, indicating the publisher or associated organization.

One Two Three Time: A Time Prioritization Strategy for Adults

April 22, 2024

In the hustle of modern life, understanding and managing personal time is critical to enhancing well-being. In fact, a recent survey found that when rating on a scale of 1-10, where 10 signifies a great deal of stress, a quarter of all Americans reported their average stress level as between 8 and 10. The concept…

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The image features a promotional graphic with the title "Closing the Gap in North Philly PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES". Below the title, there's a byline "By Sonja Spangler, LSW" indicating the authorship. The image displays the silhouette of a pregnant woman against a backdrop of a night sky filled with stars, symbolizing perhaps hope and contemplation. The silhouette merges into a graphic that appears to represent a city skyline, possibly alluding to the community context of the services discussed. The bottom of the image has the text "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS", likely the organization responsible for the services or the article itself. The overall theme suggests a focus on addressing the needs for mental health support for mothers in North Philadelphia.

Closing the Gap: Perinatal Mental Health Services in North Philadelphia

April 3, 2024

Perinatal mental health services play a crucial role in supporting expecting and new mothers, offering hope and essential care in communities facing significant challenges. This blog explores the transformative impact of these services, detailing the journey of embedding a Council for Relationships (CFR) Therapist within the Stephen Klein Wellness Center in North Philadelphia and the…

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An illustration for a mental health nonprofit featuring a stylized, circular composition with a silhouette of a contemplative pregnant figure at its center. Soft waves and plant motifs in a palette of greyscale, purples, pale blues, and light greens create a serene background. The title "Ambivalence During Pregnancy: Navigating the Unspoken" is placed prominently at the bottom with the author's name "Sonja Spangler, LSW" just below it. The organization's name "Council for Relationships" is subtly placed at the top. The overall design conveys a sense of calm and introspection.

Ambivalence During Pregnancy: Navigating the Unspoken

March 27, 2024

Pregnancy is often portrayed as a time of joy and anticipation, but for many, it’s a period marked by complex emotions. Ambivalence during pregnancy, a state of having mixed feelings about the impending arrival of one’s baby, is a common yet seldom discussed phenomenon. This silence fosters a sense of isolation, shame, and fear, leading…

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An artistic blog feature image in grayscale with an abstract design representing growth. A stylized plant with broad leaves sprouts from a central path that meanders toward the viewer, bordered by swirling, smoke-like patterns. At the top, "SEED OF CHANGE" is written in large, bold letters, with the subtitle "Pathways to Personal and Spiritual Growth" just below in a smaller font. The author's name, "Rev. Dr. Dolores Littleton, LMFT," is positioned at the bottom, and the text "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS" appears in the lower corner, suggesting a sponsoring organization. The monochrome palette gives the image a serene and contemplative mood.

Seed of Change: Pathways to Personal and Spiritual Growth

Embarking on a transformation journey begins with the “Seed of Change.” This blog explores how embracing shifts in our lives, inspired by faith and Jesus’ teachings, can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth, guiding us through darkness into the light of new beginnings. The Seed of Change: Understanding Personal Growth When I was a…

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This image is designed as a cover for content related to women's psychological safety in the workplace. The title "WOMEN'S PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE" is prominently displayed in large, bold white text with purple accents on a dark background. Below the title, there's a subtitle in white, "A Therapist’s Tips for Managing Your Mental Health After Experiencing Workplace Harassment" which suggests practical advice within. The author's name, "By Meghan Rydzewski, MFT," appears at the bottom, indicating expertise in marriage and family therapy. The logo of the "Council for Relationships" is also present, likely signifying the organization behind the content. The visual focus is a black-and-white photograph of a woman's hand held up in a "stop" gesture, symbolizing resistance against harassment and the assertion of boundaries. The overall design conveys a serious and empowering message about the importance of mental health and safety for women in professional environments.

Women’s Psychological Safety in the Workplace

March 20, 2024

In an era where women’s psychological safety in the workplace has increasingly come to the forefront, it’s crucial to shine a light on the silent battles many face daily. This blog delves into the struggles against workplace harassment and its profound impact on mental health. Amidst Women’s History Month, we underscore the importance of creating…

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Artistic cover image for a blog titled 'Identity Shift in Motherhood – Navigating New Challenges & Rediscovering Yourself', by Sonja Spangler, LSW. The illustration features a woman's profile made of swirling, leafy patterns in a harmonious blend of purple and green hues, symbolizing growth and transformation. Butterflies and soft, floating elements signify change and rebirth. The bottom of the image includes the 'Council for Relationships' logo, emphasizing the theme of personal development within motherhood.

Identity Shift in Motherhood: Navigating New Challenges & Rediscovering Yourself

March 19, 2024

Embarking on the journey of motherhood introduces a profound “identity shift in motherhood” that many are unprepared for. This transformative phase brings various challenges, from the loss of personal identity to the struggle to find joy amidst the chaos of parenting. This blog delves into the heart of these experiences, offering insights and practical advice…

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An illustration for a blog post titled "NAVIGATING SELF-CARE IN THE AGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA". The image shows a grayscale room filled with plants, books, candles, and cozy furniture, with a person sitting cross-legged in meditation pose facing a window that reveals a colorful outdoor scene. At the bottom, the text reads "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS" and "By Bianca Williams, MFT".

Navigating Self-Care in the Age of Social Media

March 13, 2024

This blog delves into the evolution of social networks, the challenges and opportunities they present, and practical strategies for fostering self-care and compassion in our digital interactions. It aims to offer insights into maintaining a healthy equilibrium between our digital personas and real-life selves, emphasizing the significance of authentic connections. We invite you to continue…

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This image is a promotional graphic that features "4 MENTAL HEALTH LESSONS FROM RED (TAYLOR'S VERSION)," written by Meghan Rydzewski, MFT. In the center, there's a vinyl record with Taylor Swift’s image on the cover, where she is wearing a brown hat and looking to the side. Her hand is placed near her face, showing off a ring. The background is purple with a text overlay. At the bottom, the logo for "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS" is displayed, indicating the organization responsible for the content.

4 Mental Health Lessons from Taylor Swift’s Red

February 20, 2024

We can draw many mental health lessons for daily life from Taylor Swift’s vast music catalog. As the songstress rerecords her albums, we reflect on the 4 mental health lessons from Taylor Swift’s Red (Taylor’s Version). Previous Album: Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) Important mental health lessons from Taylor Swift’s Red (Taylor’s Version) for everyday life Red…

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This is a collage of black and white images with a central color image, laid out to create a promotional graphic for an article or a discussion topic. The central color image shows two people, with a focus on their hands gently resting on one another, showcasing rings, implying a significant relationship. Surrounding this image are various black and white photos depicting different forms of affection or companionship: two people laughing together, a person resting their head on another's shoulder, two individuals sitting by a body of water, an elderly couple smiling at the camera, and a person cuddling with a dog. Overlaid on the collage is a block of text that reads "QUEERPLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS & QUESTIONING ROMANTIC HIERARCHY BY ANDY PHAM & CASEY HERGER" with the logo "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS" at the bottom. The composition suggests a focus on the depth and variety of relationships beyond traditional romantic frameworks.

Queerplatonic Relationships & Questioning Romantic Hierarchy 

February 15, 2024

This blog discusses the overlapping of different types of relationships, particularly in queerplatonic bonds. It also explores the complexities of human connections. Queerplatonic relationships go beyond labels and involve people who identify as asexual, aromantic, or sexual and romantic feelings. They show deep emotional intimacy. Queerplatonic partners display characteristics commonly linked to romantic partnerships, yet…

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The image is a promotional graphic for a blog post, with a background photograph of a row of traditional brick townhouses that could be found in Philadelphia. In the foreground, there is a translucent overlay with text that reads "Philadelphia Therapist Embraces Spirituality in Counseling" in bold white letters. Below the headline, it states "A NEW BLOG" followed by the author's name "By L. Stewart Barbera Jr., PsyD, MSW" in smaller font. The text is arranged on a bright cyan-colored rectangle which contrasts with the background. The graphic is designed to be eye-catching and informative, likely intended for sharing on social media or a website to attract readers to the blog article.

Philadelphia Therapist Embraces Spirituality in Counseling

CFR is thrilled to have L. Stewart Barbera Jr., a Philadelphia therapist, as a valued member of our team. Read more about Stewart’s therapeutic approaches, goals, and training. Being a Therapist in the Philadelphia Area is a Tremendous Privilege I have used my social work and psychology background to work with kids, teens, and adults…

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How To Let Go of Guilt

January 29, 2024

People feeling guilty about various situations frequently come to my small office. This includes a teenager dealing with their parent’s divorce and a client regretting not expressing themselves in their friendships. After sharing their stories, clients ask me one or both of the following questions (both of which relate to how to let go of…

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What Does it Mean to Set Boundaries in a Relationship?

January 11, 2024

Healthy boundaries are essential to thriving relationships. But what does it mean to set boundaries in a relationship? What makes a healthy boundary? How are boundaries in romantic relationships different from non-romantic relationships? The types of boundaries you set vary because the kinds of relationships we create and maintain vary. Our boundaries with people on…

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Council for Relationships Marriage and Family Therapist in Philadelphia Gabrielle Hoang, MFT. She sees individuals, couples, and families. Gabrielle specializes in affair & infidelity, depression and anxiety, grief and loss, lgbtq+ issues, trauma, and women's issues. request an appointment today. www.councilforrelationships.org

Marriage and Family Therapist in Philadelphia Aspires to Empower

January 8, 2024

Finding a marriage and family therapist in Philadelphia or Wynnewood, Pennslyvania, who accepts new clients can be difficult. CFR is proud to have Staff Therapist Gabrielle Hoang, MFT, as a Council for Relationships (CFR) staff member. Gabrielle sees individuals, couples, and families virtually or in person. Read more about Gabrielle’s therapeutic approaches, goals, and training….

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