July 31, 2024, is the deadline to apply for CFR’s Fall 2024 Postgraduate Certificate Program cohort in Marriage & Family Therapy and Clergy track. Apply here.

Category » Intimacy

An illustration for a mental health nonprofit featuring a stylized, circular composition with a silhouette of a contemplative pregnant figure at its center. Soft waves and plant motifs in a palette of greyscale, purples, pale blues, and light greens create a serene background. The title "Ambivalence During Pregnancy: Navigating the Unspoken" is placed prominently at the bottom with the author's name "Sonja Spangler, LSW" just below it. The organization's name "Council for Relationships" is subtly placed at the top. The overall design conveys a sense of calm and introspection.

Ambivalence During Pregnancy: Navigating the Unspoken

March 27, 2024

Pregnancy is often portrayed as a time of joy and anticipation, but for many, it’s a period marked by complex emotions. Ambivalence during pregnancy, a state of having mixed feelings about the impending arrival of one’s baby, is a common yet seldom discussed phenomenon. This silence fosters a sense of isolation, shame, and fear, leading…

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This is a collage of black and white images with a central color image, laid out to create a promotional graphic for an article or a discussion topic. The central color image shows two people, with a focus on their hands gently resting on one another, showcasing rings, implying a significant relationship. Surrounding this image are various black and white photos depicting different forms of affection or companionship: two people laughing together, a person resting their head on another's shoulder, two individuals sitting by a body of water, an elderly couple smiling at the camera, and a person cuddling with a dog. Overlaid on the collage is a block of text that reads "QUEERPLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS & QUESTIONING ROMANTIC HIERARCHY BY ANDY PHAM & CASEY HERGER" with the logo "COUNCIL FOR RELATIONSHIPS" at the bottom. The composition suggests a focus on the depth and variety of relationships beyond traditional romantic frameworks.

Queerplatonic Relationships & Questioning Romantic Hierarchy 

February 15, 2024

This blog discusses the overlapping of different types of relationships, particularly in queerplatonic bonds. It also explores the complexities of human connections. Queerplatonic relationships go beyond labels and involve people who identify as asexual, aromantic, or sexual and romantic feelings. They show deep emotional intimacy. Queerplatonic partners display characteristics commonly linked to romantic partnerships, yet…

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Daily Temperature Reading – A Skill for Committed Relationships

January 3, 2023

Is it even possible to love someone for your entire life? Yes, you can love someone for a lifetime, but you need the knowledge and skills to maintain and grow the relationship. As the creator of The Daily Temperature Reading technique, I know it is not how much you love each other that strengthens a…

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Permission for Pleasure

As summer weather quickly approaches, there are a few things that come to mind: sun, sand, and sex. There is something inherently erotic about hot summer nights, sunbaked skin and wearing less clothing that may motivate your mojo. If you, like so many other folx out there, have some hang-ups about experiencing sexual pleasure, here…

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Now More Than Ever, We Need to Empty Our Emotional Jugs

February 3, 2022

The past two years of the pandemic have flooded many of us with more feelings than we have capacity for, which has led to a lot of feelings spilling out. We have all experienced the spillage of those emotions. Maybe our fuses feel shorter, or we are crying more, or maybe we are drinking more…

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Survivors of Sexual Violence, We Believe You.

Kristine Seitz, MEd, MSW, LSW is a staff therapist at Council for Relationships Voorhees. She is a sexuality educator and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Human Sexuality Studies at Widener University.  CW: descriptions of sexual violence I believe survivors.  Period. End of Sentence.  End of paragraph. This should be the end of the story. …

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My Message to Women: You do not have to suffer in silence

Elyse Stein Batoff, Psychologist, LMFT has years of experience working in the area of Women’s Psychological Health Services. She has offered the emotional support that has been needed by many women as they go through physical changes and issues ranging from infertility, pregnancy, postpartum depression, sexual concerns, and menopause. Collaboration with physicians such as OB/GYN’s…

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