July 31, 2024, is the deadline to apply for CFR’s Fall 2024 Postgraduate Certificate Program cohort in Marriage & Family Therapy and Clergy track. Apply here.

Category » Support Systems

Cover of a publication featuring a time prioritization strategy. The image background shows a tangle of electrical wires and poles in grayscale. Overlaying this is the title 'ONE TWO THREE TIME' in bold, purple block letters. Below the title, in smaller white text, it reads 'A TIME PRIORIZATION STRATEGY FOR ADULTS.' The author's name, 'BY KENT MATTHIES, MFT, MDiv,' is also displayed in white. At the bottom of the image, the 'Council for Relationships' logo is visible, indicating the publisher or associated organization.

One Two Three Time: A Time Prioritization Strategy for Adults

April 22, 2024

In the hustle of modern life, understanding and managing personal time is critical to enhancing well-being. In fact, a recent survey found that when rating on a scale of 1-10, where 10 signifies a great deal of stress, a quarter of all Americans reported their average stress level as between 8 and 10. The concept…

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Benefits of Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Groups

While becoming a new mother is rewarding, the journey is riddled with constant change, uncertainty, feelings of doubt, fear, and isolation. New mothers often fear voicing their needs or reaching out for help because they fear burdening those around them. New mothers also wrestle with feelings of guilt and shame for feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed,…

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An Open Letter to Naomi Osaka

June 10, 2021

Dear Naomi, It’s with a heavy heart that I write you this letter because I feel the weight of the emotional pain you must be experiencing. Not only are you carrying the weight of the depression you sometimes feel, but there are also certain people/organizations that are wanting you to carry the weight of their…

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“My Name is Tiger”: Navigating the Road to Recovery After Acute Injury

Tiger Woods’ road to recovery is just beginning. For many people who have experienced devastating injuries, the stabilization and mitigation of acute injuries is just the beginning. A car accident like the one that Tiger Woods experienced can have long-standing ramifications, some of which could even be lifelong. Although it’s not possible to speculate on…

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Owning Your Narrative as A Biracial Person in America

Allen-Michael Lewis, MS, LMFT joined our staff in 2018 and has been working as a couple and family therapist since 2012. He has a specific passion for working with children, teens, and young adults as they attempt to navigate life transitions.    In the United States, we continue to see an increase in the reported number…

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Responding to Insult with Wisdom

February 22, 2019

Click here to watch a short video synopsis of the following post.  Does a week go by when we don’t experience some sort of insult, snide comment, or disapproving glare from family members, friends, or coworkers? The question is: how do we stand up tall and with integrity in the face of such abuse? A preeminent…

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