Register for the 2025 Miles for Mental Health 5K Run & 1-Mile Walk on April 27, 2025! Proceeds support CFR’s Operation Home & Healing program.

Mental Health Provider Appreciation Day 2023

May 12, 2023

I find myself in an appreciative mood today. Sure, it is Friday (if it is not Friday at the time you are reading this, it will soon be Friday, so you are getting there!), and the weather is unseasonably warm today. But what makes me bask in this appreciative disposition is the fact that today,…

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Co-Parenting Tips for Setting Hurt & Anger Aside

May 10, 2023

Nearly half of all American children will see their parents get divorced and 16% of American children will live in a household with a step-parent, step-sibling, or half-sibling. With 50% of children having divorced parents, co-parenting is more commonplace than ever in the United States. Co-parenting is defined as sharing the duties of raising a…

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Chimère Holmes

Philadelphia Therapist Accepting New Clients: Chimère G. Holmes

Finding a Philadelphia therapist accepting new clients can be difficult. CFR is proud to have Staff Therapist Chimère G. Holmes, MA, MSEd, LPC as a member of our organization. Chimère sees patients virtually and is currently accepting new clients. Continue reading to learn more about Chimère, her therapeutic approaches, goals, and training. Chimère’s journey to…

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Philadelphia Mayoral Candidate Rebecca Rhynhart on the Mental Health Crisis

May 1, 2023

Philadelphians will go to the ballot box this November to elect their 100th mayor. The city’s next mayor will inherit what President Joe Biden has described as a “mental health crisis.” It is imperative that voters know how the candidates will respond to the crisis upon taking office. As the region’s leader in individual, couples,…

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The Case for Supporting Mental Health Nonprofits

April 28, 2023

Mental health care is essential, and we need all the advocates we can get. Now, you might be thinking, “But I’m not a therapist, a doctor, or even someone who knows a lot about mental health. How can I be an advocate?” Well, fear not, because being a mental health advocate does not require any…

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Philly Mayoral Candidate Helen Gym on the Mental Health Crisis

April 26, 2023

Philadelphians will go to the ballot box this November to elect their 100th mayor. The city’s next mayor will inherit what President Joe Biden has described as a “mental health crisis.” It is imperative that voters know how the candidates will respond to the crisis upon taking office. As the region’s leader in individual, couples,…

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AI & Mental Health Therapy

April 25, 2023

Buzz about the potential uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in the mental health space has exploded since the launch of Open AI’s ChatGPT-3 last fall. Today, ChatGPT has more than 13 million daily users. Its ability to mimic natural human language, write sonnets, screenplays, and even news articles, has captured our imagination and spurned much…

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Philly Mayoral Candidate Jimmy DeLeon on the Mental Health Crisis

April 24, 2023

Philadelphians will go to the ballot box this November to elect their 100th mayor. The city’s next mayor will inherit what President Joe Biden has described as a “mental health crisis.” It is imperative that voters know how the candidates will respond to the crisis upon taking office. As the region’s leader in individual, couples,…

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Understanding Trauma: Poland & the Holocaust

Holocaust Remembrance Day, colloquially called Yom HaShoah in Israel, is an annual day of reflection and commemoration marking the date of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Bea Hollander-Goldfein, PhD, LMFT, is a Co-Director of CFR’s Transcending Trauma Project and a Staff Therapist. Here, Dr. Hollander-Goldfein, the child of a Holocaust survivor, shares her story of visiting…

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Black and white image of a young women in a dark shirt and light pants with a sad facial expression and hands in her pockets. She is surrounded by pointing fingers.

5 Bully Prevention Tips for Parents and Schools That Work

Schools should be a safe place for everyone to come, as they are, and learn skills for their future. Bullying makes schools unsafe. Ending bullying is not solely the responsibility of parents or schools, but it does require both to work together to help create good humans and future leaders. Read on for 5 bully…

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Christian crucifix wrapped in a purple cloth,

Lent and Mental Health

Lent is a springtime season in the Christian Church that begins a 40-day discipline of prayer, fasting, and contemplation. Lent also forces us to grapple with our own mortality. This can be triggering for many, but, with meditation and reflection, Lent can be a wonderful season for our mental health. Read on to learn more…

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Transgender flag

Transgender Day of Visibility and Mental Health

March 31, 2023

Transgender Day of Visibility, or TDoV, is a day where we celebrate the lives and contributions of the transgender community. At a time of unprecedent discrimination and violence aimed at people who identify as transgender or nonbinary, it is more important than ever that we all come together to support those who are marginalized. Guest…

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New Parents, Social Media & Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

From over-the-top pregnancy reveals to momfluencers with hundreds of thousands of followers, social media might lead new parents to believe pregnancy is relatively easy. It is not. Pregnancy is complicated. The pregnancy reality for new parents is often more complicated than social media wants you to believe. At best, pregnancy is a joyful time for…

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Five Things Virginia Satir Would Tell You About the Therapeutic Process

Council for Relationships is known for couples and family therapy since 1932. But who discovered and developed Family Therapy? Virgina Satir is considered the Mother of Family Therapy. Her findings and therapeutic process remain highly influential for therapists. Read on the learn more about Virginia Satir and the five things she would tell you about…

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Benefits of Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Groups

While becoming a new mother is rewarding, the journey is riddled with constant change, uncertainty, feelings of doubt, fear, and isolation. New mothers often fear voicing their needs or reaching out for help because they fear burdening those around them. New mothers also wrestle with feelings of guilt and shame for feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed,…

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A girl wearing a mask for Purim.

Purim and Mental Health: What the Holiday Can Teach Us about Ourselves

March 6, 2023

What can the Jewish holiday of Purim teach us about our own mental health? For one, it reminds us of the importance to unmask our true selves. Read on to learn more about Purim and mental health. A Jewish Masquerade Ball Purim is like a Jewish masquerade ball. Commemorating the Persian Jewish Queen Esther and…

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Portrait of Staff Therapist Sarafina Kietzman-Nicklin, MFT

Philadelphia Therapist Accepting New Patients: Sarafina Kietzman-Nicklin

Finding a Philadelphia therapist or Paoli, PA, therapist accepting new patients can be difficult. CFR is proud to have Staff Therapist Sarafina Kietzman-Nicklin, MFT, as a member of our organization. Sarafina sees patients virtually and at CFR’s University City Philadelphia office and Paoli, PA, office. She is currently accepting new patients. Continue reading to learn…

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Tips for Schools to Support Suicidal Teens in 2023

Suicide is a topic no one wants to consider, and many people feel immensely uncomfortable talking about it. The reality is that suicidal thoughts are common, especially among teens and young adults. Knowing that suicide and suicidal thoughts are common among this age group, and likely underreported due to stigma, what can schools do to…

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Women’s Mental Health Disparities 2023

Women’s History Month is a time for us to reflect on the unique experience of women in our history. It is a time to evaluate how that experience has shaped our present reality, and what the implications are for offering programs and services that are both relevant and supportive of women. It is also a…

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Tyre Nichols who was murdered by police officers in Memphis, Tennessee

Council for Relationships’ Statement on the Murder of Tyre Nichols

January 30, 2023

Council for Relationships was devastated to learn of the killing of Tyre Nichols, who was murdered at the hands of police officers earlier this month in Memphis, Tennessee. We grieve the senseless loss of another Black man at the hands of law enforcement and we stand with communities across the nation echoing the message: enough…

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title: Combatting Rising Antisemitism & Racism this International Holocaust Memorial Day

Combatting Rising Antisemitism & Racism this International Holocaust Memorial Day

January 25, 2023

Commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day January 27, 2023, is International Holocaust Memorial Day, commemorating the 78th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland. The Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp is a stark symbol of a 14-year campaign by the Nazis and their collaborators to murder all the Jews in Europe. The day also commemorates…

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